3 Ways Artisan Monthly is Paying it Forward


Buzz / Artisan Monthly

Artisan Monthly is structured to benefit local communities because it puts small artisanal businesses in the spotlight. Shopping small bolsters independent, locally owned businesses, rather than national chains. Whether you realize it or not, the choices you make contribute to your local economy.  Ohanga’s artisan subscription is a time-effective way to learn about all things local and is paying it forward in three important ways.

Artisan Monthly Builds Community

Supporting small businesses create towns that are connected and better-off across a wide range of metrics. Small local businesses are actually the largest employers nationally. Plus, significantly greater portion of money that goes to small businesses cycles back. It often goes to make purchases from other local businesses, aiding other Rhode Island artists and local RI farms, strengthening the base of a whole community.

Artisan Monthly Reduces Impact

You wouldn’t travel across the country to get something from your backyard. That doesn’t make sense for you, and it doesn’t make sense for your home either. Shopping at locally owned businesses require less fuel back and forth. Artisan Monthly is mean you still get the same household staples, only now with less pollution, traffic congestion, habitat loss and resource depletion.  

Artisan Monthly is about Thinking Big

A chain store that looks the same anywhere else. One-of-a-kind businesses give a place it’s character. When they are edged out of business, they are also gone forever. Local businesses are owned by your friends and neighbors. In other words, Artisan Monthly invests in the people invested in your community’s future.


Author: Ohanga Editorial

We envision a world in which creatives can grow and share their passions unburdened from the complexity of business management; a world where a community can easily access art for sale as well as celebrate and engage with their local artists. 

Browse our artisan subscriptions, monthly deliveries of locally-sourced products that promote sustainability and fair trade practice.

For more Rhode Island art news, read Etch as an online magazine.

Find us at our Newport art store, Ohanga Newport.


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